Resource wedges contain stock and Community Resource Pack resources for use in your craft. All resource wedges are available in four size configurations, allowing for more storage without raising part count. The core wedges are available in an otherwise stock KSP install, however several of the resources are also used in 3rd party mods and will be available for use in the expanded systems.
Radial Tank
- Wet cost: varies, see below
- Wet mass: varies, see below
- Node attach: No
- Surface attach: Yes
- Tech level: Survivability
- Research cost: 2400
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Fuel Lifesupport Radial
3rd party mod compatibility
The radial tank can be configured to hold a variety of resources (depending on which 3rd party mods are installed)
- Wet cost: 250
- Wet mass: 0.008
- Oxygen: 3050
- Wet cost: 250
- Wet mass: 0.005
- Hydrogen: 10675
- Wet cost: 15
- Wet mass: 0.075
- Monopropellant: 3.8
Liquid fuel / Oxidizer
- Wet cost: 2.5
- Wet mass: 0.034
- Liquid fuel: 1.2
- Oxidizer: 1.5
- Wet cost: 19
- Wet mass: 0.017
- Food: 15
- Wet cost: 19
- Wet mass: 0.028
- Water: 15
Carbon Dioxide Tank
- Cost: 500
- Mass: 0.040
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Carbon Dioxide Kerbalism
- Carbon Dioxide: 1830(0)
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Food Bag
- Wet cost: 125
- Wet mass: 0.033
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Supply Food Snacks Kerbalism
- Food: 113
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Greywater Tank
- Cost: 125
- Mass: 0.001
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Waste Water Kerbalism
- Waste Water: 113 (0)
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Hydrogen Tank
- Wet cost: 500
- Wet mass: 0.010
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Cryogenic Hydrogen
- Hydrogen: 21350
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations and Variants
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Oxygen Tank
- Wet cost: 500
- Wet mass: 0.017
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Cryogenic Hydrogen
- Oxygen: 6100
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations and Variants
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Solid Waste Tank
- Cost: 125
- Mass: 0.001
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Waste Kerbalism
- Waste: 113(0)
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Water Tank
- Wet cost: 125
- Wet mass: 0.121
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Space Exploration
- Research cost: 3600
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Wedge Water
- Water: 113
3rd party mod compatibility
Size configurations
The wedge is available in four height configurations. Cost, mass, and capacity scale proportionally.
Processor wedges turn one or more resources into other resources, usually with an electric charge requirement. Each processor is based on a real world equivalent from the early space race of the 50’s up to the present day. Unlike resource wedges, processors are only available in a single size and configuration.
Sabatier reactor
- Cost: 1350
- Mass: 0.240
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Electronics
- Research cost: 12000
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Processor Sabatier Kerbalism
- Carbon Dioxide: 0.000851605032367
- Electric Charge: 0.039783051310155
- Water: 0.000001360254171
3rd party mod compatibility
Water Purifier
- Cost: 900
- Mass: 0.240
- Node attach: Yes
- Surface attach: No
- Tech level: Electronics
- Research cost: 12000
- Category: Utility
- Tags: Universal Storage Processor Water Purifier Kerbalism
- Electric Charge: 0.007123842592593
- Waste Water: 0.000014247685185
3rd party mod compatibility