Pyrrhus of Epirus 280-272BC (DBA3 II/27b)

Pyrrhus is a wargaming classic!  Famous for defeating Rome in battle but at a massive cost, coining the term Pyrrhic victory* The Pyrrhic war was the first time the Roman legion went up against the Macedonian Phalanx pitting two of the most famous infantry formations in the ancient world in head to head battle.  Pyrrhus […]

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Early Carthaginian Army 340 – 275 BC (DBA3 I/61b)

Like many people getting into historical wargaming I went for the classic match up of Rome vs Carthage for my first two armies.  Everyone has heard of Hannibal crossing the Alps, and you get to play a number of famous battles filled with Romans and elephants. This is not those armies! The Later Carthaginian army […]

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DBA 3 Narrative Campaign The Pyrrhic War 280-275BC

There are a number of rules sets available for linear, narrative style campaigns, something that can be easily played in a couple of club nights. Super Steve’s Map-Less Wars campaign system published at is a fantastic example of a simple campaign system that links several battles together in a way that is simple but […]

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