(and other unrelated pastimes)
Oak & Iron, Blood & Plunder, Blitz Bowl, Warmaster, Frostgrave, OSE, Shadowdark
This site is a personal blog, focused on my love of tabletop wargames, boardgames and OSR roleplaying games.
I love making things and here you'll find my attempts to create useful content for games like quick reference guides, custom character sheets and player aids, along with little maker project (of variable success and usefulness).
It's also a handy place to share my hiking and cycling adventures with maps, photo galleries and GPS tracks.
Featured page - Oak & Iron Glossary
The Oak & Iron Glossary is now available in Spanish!
Kindly translated by Sebastian Valdés who has agreed to let me host a copy here.
Sebastian and full translated the glossary maintaining the original English section names to match the Oak & Iron rules (currently only available in English). Spanish subtitles have been added along with the contents being fully translated.
Available in the 4 formats (A4, US Letter, Android, and iPad), you can download here: Oak & Iron Glossary
Universal Storage
A modular payload mod for Kerbal Space Program. Developed in partnership with Simon Hinton.
The original mod Universal Storage was released in 2016. Followed 2 years later by the sequel, Universal Storage II. The mod is currently maintained by LinuxGuruGamer.
Tabletop Player Aids
Wargame Modelling Tutorials
Outdoor Adventures
Latest Posts

Blood & Plunder Glossary
The Blood & Plunder Glossary contains all the unit special rules and weapons for Blood & Plunder. This gives you a single book to look up information during play, with everything arranged in alphabetical order so you can quickly find the right entry without referencing an index. A quick reference sheet give all the core information for land and sea battles.

Blitz Bowl QR Sheet
Blitz Bowl is an awesome game, which is annoyingly only available in the US and Germany. Originally designed as an entry point for Blood Bowl it’s a very different game with different mechanics. In my experience people who love Blood Bowl play BB sevens, and people who don’t like Blood Bowl like Blitz Bowl. Games take 30-45 minutes, include most of the classic Blood Bowl teams, and campaign rules are available that allow a full campaign in 2 or 3 club nights.

South West Coast Path
Inspired by the Salt Path, Stef suggested we hike the Sout West Coast Path. Split into weekend stages and making maximum use of public transport and staying in B&Bs so we can travel light. Using Komoot to plan each day and record our adventures!

Oak & Iron Glossary
The Oak & Iron Glossary contains every rule, effect, upgrade, and status in alphabetical order. Designed for players who have played their first few games and need an easy to look up reference. A 2-page quick reference sheet is included. Available in A4, US Letter, iPad and Android tablet format with digital hyperlinks for easy navigation.

Oak & Iron running rigging
Before adding running rigging to your ships you should complete the standing rigging tutorial. When I started painting Oak & Iron miniatures, I didn’t think I would be rigging them, I assumed they would be too small and the mast sculpts to simple to give good results. But they are really easy to rig and […]

Oak & Iron standing rigging
When I started painting Oak & Iron miniatures, I didn’t think I would be rigging them, I assumed they would be too small and the mast sculpts to simple to give good results. But they are really easy to rig and with a little extra effort, you can take your models to the next level. […]

Pyrrhus of Epirus 280-272BC (DBA3 II/27b)
Pyrrhus is a wargaming classic! Famous for defeating Rome in battle but at a massive cost, coining the term Pyrrhic victory* The Pyrrhic war was the first time the Roman legion went up against the Macedonian Phalanx pitting two of the most famous infantry formations in the ancient world in head to head battle. Pyrrhus […]

Black Seas ship flags
I wanted to make removable flags for my Black Seas ships so that I could have a flexible fleet, able to provide two medium size forces when I’m supplying all the models and a single large fleet when playing against other collections. To make my flags removable I have glued magnets to the ship models, […]

Black Seas ship cards
Although a nice idea, there are some shortcomings with the ship cards included in the game. Many of these are fixed by the after market options available, my favourite being Battlewiki’s ship trays. These look amazing and provide all the required functionality, but New Zealand is a long way from Europe and so I wanted […]